MeriRaahe marine experiences and excursions
Let the wind caress you face, smell the fresh sea air, taste the salty aroma, hear the seagulls scream and the ancient rhythm of the waves. Lift your eyes to the horizon as the sun paints it with its pastel colours, swans drawing silhouettes against its rays of gold. See how the eagle lifts up to the sky with the wind, how the otter dives a bass, how the grey seal bathes in the sun on a rock.
We recommend
- Grey Seal Hunting And SafarisWednesday May 15th, 2019
- SnowbusWednesday May 15th, 2019
- Fishing TripsWednesday February 22nd, 2023
Meriraahe services
- Fishing TripsTuesday April 2nd, 2019
- Island Hopping CruiseTuesday April 2nd, 2019
- Grey Seal Hunting And SafarisWednesday May 15th, 2019
- Hop On-Hop Off CruiseWednesday May 15th, 2019
- Work Team Wellness DaysWednesday May 15th, 2019
- SnowbusWednesday May 15th, 2019
- SaaristoviikonloppuFriday June 28th, 2019
- Kroatian lomapurjehdusThursday January 9th, 2020
- Fishing TripsWednesday February 22nd, 2023
- Rent a boatThursday February 23rd, 2023
- Equipment for rentWednesday May 31st, 2023
- Island AccomodationWednesday February 7th, 2024
Welcome to MeriRaahe marine experiences and excursions.
Welcome to MeriRaahe marine experiences and excursions. Step onboard and come along on an ad-venture to the wonderful archipelago of Raahe. We offer guided fishing tours and excursions, grey seal safaris, island hopping cruises, fine dining, and recreational wellness days for work teams.
Exuding with the air of history, Raahe archipelago was chosen as the nature destination of the year in 2016 and is considered one of the pearls of the Bay of Bothnia. Consisting of around 40 islands, rocks and reefs the area is also part of the Natura 2000 network due to its unique nature, birdlife and flora.
Come see and experience the marine paradise that is the Raahe archipelago. A wonderful nature destination for excursions, you will enjoy spending time on and around the islands whether you’re on a trek, canoeing, or fishing all year round. Book yourself on a grey seal safari and experience the unique early spring icebergs that form with the wind. Spend a night on one of the many fishing huts and relax in the peace of the surrounding nature and sea. Enjoy a candle lit dinner at one of our fine dining events. Jump in the sleigh and come try some freshly caught smoked herring at the Tasku island cafe. We aim to use freshly caught fish and locally grown produce with all meal preparation.
MeriRaahe brings you to the best experiences and takes you on an adventure of a lifetime in the middle of the most beautiful nature of the Bay of Bothnia.