Grey Seal Hunting And Safaris

Experience a grey seal hunt or photoshoot safari in the idyllic Raahe archipelago.

Grey Seal Hunting And Safaris

Experience a grey seal hunt or photoshoot safari in the idyllic Raahe archipelago. Step onboard with the crew of Arkki ship on a once in a lifetime adventure that will take you to hunt of shoot grey seal among the unique icebergs formed by the wind in the Bay of Bothnia. Enjoy the fresh sea air, early spring sun and great company on this exciting trip. The season is set during early springtime, trips are organised ice and weather conditions permitting.


During the trip we will search for grey seal. Depending on the nature of the trip you will have the opportunity to scope and shoot grey seal with a camera, or to hunt the seal. The trip includes meals that you can enjoy in the warm cabin of the boar. On a seal hunting trip we will prepare a meal with the meat of the seal that we catch. Prices include boat transport, meals, guide and services. Shorter trips also possible – ask for more information and for a special offer! Trips organised weather conditions permitting.

  • Board fishing, without boat equipment: 490€ / day / person
  • Fishing and photography trips by boat: 590€ / day / person
  • Accommodation in Iso-Kraaseli: 140€ / day / person
  • Minimum: 4 person (put in to groups)
  • Includes: All necessary equipment
  • Season: 16.4 - 15.5
Get in contact and reserve a trip

(suomi) varaukset/myynti
Jouni Leinonen
puh. +358 50 4346340

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